Removing a tree made easy
Local & Trusted
Tree Removal Experts
in Northern California
Setare Trees Inc. local women-owned business that offers residential and commercial tree services in Northern California. With over 20 years of expertise, we provide high-quality tree care from start to finish. Located in Auburn, we are just off the 49 highway and Edgewood and committed to serving Nevada County and Placer County. We have a physical address in the area and you can reach out to us from Monday to Friday between 8 AM-4 PM.
What Sets Us Apart
We are known for:
If you need a service that you don’t see here, simply call us and we might just be able to help!

To be a high-quality contract service provider and to manage our area of expertise with the highest level of skill and professionalism. We have spent the last 12 years refining our customer service experience, and we will continue to do so and practice effective communication with our clients and workers.